Passeriformes-Muscicapidae 燕雀目 鶲科

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Rhyacornis fuliginosus--Plumbeous Redstart 鉛色水鶇,川鶲

Rhyacornis fuliginosus--Plumbeous Redstart 鉛色水鶇,川鶲
We can see this this bird on the rock in the river.

Muscicapa ferruginea--Ferruginous Flycatcher 紅尾鶲

Muscicapa ferruginea--Ferruginous Flycatcher 紅尾鶲
It is real shock me . what is the density of this bird @ 鞍馬山.
It is real good status .After 鞍馬山 close due to flood ,we never get any reponse from this area .This morning ,I also see one eagle during migration.
This area realy close the central mountain and the level is alomost 2000m so that
eagle should not move by this moutain .

I got one bady bird picture 09/2006 when I take the picture of Yellow tit
I remember that the breading season near May not this month.